
Colour vs black and white in photography

Colour photography and black and white photography are two distinct styles of photography. Although both have the potential to be used in a creative and powerful way, there are also some differences between them when it comes to conveying emotion and tone. In this blog, we will explore how tonality plays an important role in the persuasive power of colour vs black and white photography.

When it comes to conveying emotion, colour photography has a huge advantage over black and white. The use of vivid hues can evoke strong emotions that can be incredibly persuasive when it comes to telling a story or making a point. Colour also adds depth to an image, as it adds layers of complexity that can help viewers engage with the message being conveyed.

Black and white photography, on the other hand, is often more subtle but can still be just as powerful in its own right. By taking away the distraction of colour, black and white allows viewers to focus more on the composition, lines and shapes within an image. This can create a sense of atmosphere that is particularly effective at conveying moods such as loneliness or nostalgia.

The tonality of an image is another factor that can influence how persuasive it is. Tonality refers to the range of lightness and darkness in a photograph, which can be used to draw attention to certain elements within an image or create a specific atmosphere. In colour photography, tonality can be used to emphasize certain colours or shades within an image; whereas in black and white photos it can create dramatic light contrasts that draw viewers’ eyes towards certain areas.

In conclusion, both colour photography and black and white photography can be incredibly powerful tools when it comes to conveying emotion and creating persuasive images. Tonality plays an important role in both types of photography; however the way in which it is used differs depending on whether you choose colour or black and white. Ultimately, whichever style you choose will depend on your creative vision for your project – but either way you’ll find yourself able to create compelling images that will speak volumes!

Photo contest: Prince Claus Seed Awards 2023

Each year the Prince Claus Fund gives 100 Seed Awards to artists and cultural practitioners who are in the first five years of their careers.

With Seed Awards, we recognize emerging artists and provide initial support to the career development, creativity, and experimentation of cultural practitioners whose artistic work engages with pressing social and/or political issues within their own local context.

Prince Claus Seed Awards help emerging artists explore new perspectives and develop their practice on their own terms. Together with Mentorship and Impact Awards, their aim is to contribute to a world in which culture can exert its transformative power and lead to positive change.

The Open Call for Prince Claus Seed Awards is published once a year for artists/individuals from our working countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean and Eastern Europe. Applications are screened for eligibility by the Prince Claus Fund and judged by external advisors. Seed Award recipients are announced in December each year. Recipients are free to invest the Award of 5,000 euro as they choose in the development of their artistic practice.

Prince Claus Seed Awards were partially made possible by British Council and Ing Yoe Tan Fund.

Deadline: 23 February 2023

Prize: $5000

Category: Emerging Artists

Entry fee: Free

Registration: Apply here

Fotomässan 2022 in Stockholm

Fotomässan 2022Fotomässan 2022 that took place in Stockholm on December 2-4 turned out a real disappointment. I went there with great expectations. It’s been three years since the last one because of the pandemic. You would expect there to be a hunger for an event like this. You would expect all the big camera brands to be there to show the latest models, their new exiting tech. And of course you would expect there to be loads of visitors. None of this happened.

Yes, there were a few big camera brands like Sony, Fujifilm, Panasonic and Leica. Sigma was there to show a few lenses. But that was about it. No sign of Canon or Nikon. To add to the disappointment they all had tiny stalls. It was almost as if they didn’t want to be there in the first place.

All in all there was more open empty space than was covered with exhibition stalls.

The only interesting thing

Now, it wasn’t all bad. There were a few interesting talks worth listening to on the day I was there (Friday), and a few more interesting talks were planned for Saturday and Sunday as well.

Unfortunately a few interesting talks doesn’t really make it worth the cost of admission. The quality of this expo will have to improve greatly next year or we might have seen the last Fotomässan.